
Restarter - Restore your Windows Session before you restarted with all open files and applications


Restarter Description

Do you avoid restarting Windows because you have to open all the programs and documents again after the restart ? With Restarter you can restart your computer every day because it allows you to restore any previous session with all its open documents and application with one click.

This is helpful because restarting your computer will keep it running faster compared to pushing the sleep or suspend button at the end of the day.

You can autosave your computer state every x minutes or you can manually save the state of your computer at any time and give it a name to find it back fast.
Restarter allows you to search for past states on any field like open application, open document, name, date, time etc. It will reopen any documents from any application like Adobe PDF, Word, Excel, Open Office, Paint,, in short any file you had open when you clicked "Save State".

Another advantage is that Windows Update many times restarts your computer without your authorization. When it does that it only restores the typical Windows files that you had open like Notepad, Excel. But not all the other applications like Adobe PDF, Open Office and any application that is not Microsoft made.
Restarter reopens ALL documents and applications without exception that were open at the time of the restart. If you arrive in the morning and see your computer restarted overnight you just click "Saved States" and click the automatically saved state right before the restart and that's it. No more recalling "What did I have open ?".

Restarter Features

Restarter saved states

Target Users

Restarter is very useful for intensive computer users, students, office workers who want to increase their productivity or make their work easier.

Pricing & Order Form

Restarter is sold for a one time price of EUR 9.99 or USD 11. There are no monthly, yearly or other fees.

You can download a free copy of Restarter and try it for 14 days. For the free-trial no credit card or other payment details are required.
After the free trial you can order from within the software a license or click here to go to our secure order form. You can pay by credit card or Paypal in the order form.

Alternatively you can pay with Paypal over here by clicking on this link and send us EUR 9.99 or USD 11 for a license that will be emailed to you within 30 minutes. Please mention Restarter so we know which product you are buying.

If you want to pay by bank transfer please send us email here or send a message at our contact form and we will send you our bank details.

Target Systems

This software is made for Windows Computers and runs on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP computers.


For any question you have regarding installation, configuration or use of Restarter we offer you personal and competent support. We can install and configure at any worldwide location. Please send us an email or you can send us a message on our contact form, click HERE where you can also find all our email addresses and phone numbers or you can send a message from within the application.
We promise to answer you within 24 hours.

Spyware Free Declaration

We guarantee that all our software applications are totally Spyware, Adware and Malware free. We are a serious company and have no interest in your data. We want to make good software products and have no second agenda.