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Pryer - Human Resources Management Software & Employee Management Application.

Employee on social media during office hours

Pryer is an application that will report the activities on your companies computers with keystrokes, window titles and screenshots.

It will increase your business profitability and efficiency and will warn you for dangers or problems in your company. It will also allow you to know which staff is hard working and which are lazy and who is honest and who is not.

This staff monitoring software is cheap and easy to install and gives you total control over your organisation. It is an answer for a real life problem that any company or business has nowadays.

Below we quote the story of the main developer of Pryer where you can read what led him to develop the software.

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Pryer Staff Monitoring Application - How it works

This software allows you to spend minimal time checking your employees and still have everything under control. It allows you to check the office activity from any location in the world.

It also shows you exactly if your employee is punctual and does not leave too early or has too long lunches.

Sometimes you also will see one person completely overloaded and another one sitting idle at the same time. It is an excellent management tool to then shift some work from the overloaded to the "sitter".

Pryer is also incredible lightweight and it uses around 0,4 % of your system resources. Fast, reliable and lightweight.

Why was Pryer developed - Testimonial

"I used to work in a company in the early nineties where there was one collegue of mine that had the habit of reading a newspaper during the office time for hours. But when our manager used to enter the office, this employee used to pretend that he had been working the whole time.
The rest of us were hard workers so for us it was demotivating to see that while we all were working , this collegue was not.
To cut the story short it got to the ears of the boss and eventually it was made clear to him that his work ethic was unacceptable. Being tech savvy it used to cross my mind that there should be a better way for the manager to check his employees then to wait for someone to alert him or her. What if everyone decided not to work (you watch my back and I watch yours) and the boss never comes to know and thinks that it is the slowdown of the economy to blame for the bad company results."

"Years later when I started my own company I always recalled the behaviour of my collegue and I decided that no magazines or newspapers will be allowed on the desks of my employees except in the canteen. I was happy that my employees were busy at their computers (working obviously) as they were all seriously looking at the screens and mouseclicking and typing away something that I assumed was work."

"As I had to delegate the tasks it became difficult for me to decide whom I should give the work to because everyone seemed to be very busy so I ended up doing most of the work myself. Somehow it felt that something was wrong but I could not pinpoint where and what."

"I figured I needed a light application that is easy to install and would send me an email from each employees pc per hour showing me exactly if he or she had been working or not. In one blink of an eye I had to be able to see the situation per person.
I developed it and was shocked to see that around half of them were not spending half an hour per day on private leisure activities but up to six hours per day ! As no one is a robot I would have found it acceptable that employees spend up to 1 hour per day in checking newspapers in between their work but not SIX HOURS !"

Employee on Smartphone during office hours "The activities they wasted time on varied per person :

"I discovered that they had gotten so used to this that even if I gave them more jobs these jobs kept lying because they already had adjusted their day schedule to include at least 4 hours of leisure activities on the internet.
With great difficulty I managed to change the situation. It took me one year and then everyone was working normally , taking max 1 hour per day for leisure activities on the internet. Several staff were fired too because they had crossed all lines.
This Pryer application has resulted in double sales and profit.

If I would not have installed this application my company would be either loosing money now , or would have been bankrupt with me not having a clue why this happened, blaming it to worsening market conditions. "

"Having lived through this I am convinced that many companies loose money, have minimal profits or simply have to close because their staff is a large part of the day checking social media, news, commenting on forums, doing their private business or taking customers away to their side businesses or friend companies."

Employee Fraud

Why Pryer is important for your Business

With Pryer you will be able to control your company locally or remotely and know exactly if your business is prejudiced by lazy or corrupt employees.

Also you will know about dangerous developments like a person undertaking his own business activities while being on your payroll, or stealing from the company by for example nominating suppliers with a kickback commission.

You also will be able to distinguish good workers from bad workers and reward them accordingly as well as enabling you to distribute the work evenly over the staff.

Watch out for Smartphones !

Pryer can only work well if you combine it with a business policy with regards to the use of smartphones in your company. If you do not control the smartphones of your staff Pryer will not be that effective because they will spend hours on their smartphones.
We advise you to do one of the following to protect your business from private smartphone abuse :
Staff suspicious phone calls

We recommend to write down the policy regarding smartphones in your company in your business house rules which will be given to a new employee upon contracting and will be displayed at a central wall in your office.

Target Customers for Pryer Employee Activity Check System

Our clients are managers and owners of small and medium companies with office employees who want to be informed about their employees activities during working hours.
Sometimes the manager is onsite working in the local office, sometimes in the same building and we do have clients too that have multiple offices worldwide that they monitor and manage from one location.
We do have managers and owners that are not working in their company but for example in their home from where they can keep a tight grip on what is happening in their local or remote business.
Other business owners are usually "on the road" for sales and meetings and keep full control over their business from their hotelroom where they receive the hourly reports on their laptop computer.
Increasingly popular is teleworking where employees work from home. The business owner installs Pryer on their company laptop and gets the activity reports from the employee's house into his computer or laptop.

We have clients in the following Industries :

Informing your Employees

Dependent on your location you may have to inform your employees that their computer activity will be monitored. Please check your local employee monitoring laws and regulations before you install Pryer on your company computers or laptops and follow your countries laws and regulations. Pryer software can only be used on devices your business owns. Any use of this software is the sole responsibility of the buyer or downloader.

Pricing & Order

Pryer is available for a one time price of USD 43.95 or EUR 39.95 per computer. Volume discounts are available and displayed in the order form within the software. There are no monthly , yearly or other fees.

You can download a free copy of Pryer and try it for 14 days. For the free-trial no credit card or other payment details are required. After the free trial you can order from within the software a license or click here to go to our secure order form. You can pay by credit card or Paypal in the order form.

Alternatively you can pay with Paypal over here by clicking on this link and send us USD 43.95 or EUR 39.95 for a license that you can use on one computer. The license will be emailed to you within 30 minutes. Please mention Pryer so we know which product you are buying.

If you want to pay by bank transfer please send us email here or send a message at our contact form and we will send you our bank details.
No monthly or yearly cost !

Target Systems

This software is made for Windows Computers and runs on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP computers.
Very soon we will also have Pryer available for Android and iPhone enabling you to monitor your company smartphones.

If you want to be notified when the Android and iPhone version are available write your email here

Competent and Fast After Sales Support

We are happy to help you with installation and configuration of the system on your computers. Our strong and professional support service distinguishes us from our competitors where you will have to deal with very basically qualified staff who will answer slow and incompletely. Not with us ! We offer you email support or you can send us a message on our contact form, click HERE where you can also find all our email addresses and phone numbers or you can send a message from within the application. We promise to answer you within 24 hours but usually we are faster.

Spyware Free Declaration

We guarantee that all our software applications are totally Spyware, Adware and Malware free. We are a serious company and have no interest in your data. We want to make good software products and have no second agenda. We sell our software for a very reasonable competitive price. We strongly advise you not to use freeware which always comes full of spy and adware because how else can they get paid for thousands of hours of programming ?
The data that is recorded on the monitored computers is only sent to your own email address that you provide in the setup. No user or other data can be recorded,stored or accessed by us.


Below we show you how what you will see in the email report you receive that shows you the activity during the past hour (adjustable from 5 to 120 minutes) on the monitored computer. It starts with a summary report that shows which programs were active every 30 seconds(adjustable from 5 to 30 seconds frequency).
If you want to check more detailed you can scroll down and there you will see 20 screenshots that were taken each 3 minutes. Under the screenshots you see the programs that were active and the keystrokes that were typed on the target computer. The explanations are typed in red.

We start with the daily report you receive per computer in your email which is a summary of the hourly reports :

Weekly Report on Mobile :

Monthly Report on Mobile including Holidays :

Daily Report on Mobile :

Here is the settings screen of Pryer where you see the many report options and keywords you can configure :

Below you see the inbox with the hourly email report arriving and then followed by the active window titles , the screenshots and the keystrokes and finishing with the Pryer order form.

If you are interested how to manage your employees remotely we explain how to do it in this article

In the linked article we answer your Frequently Asked Questions about Employee Activity Software